Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bicycles and Celebrities Dancing

After a month-long story that doesn't need to be told, Henry went on his first bike ride last night. Well, he rode on the back of the bike as I awkwardly peddled and tried not to tip over my toddler. It was dark out and in the low 40s, but he said "WEEEEEE" a lot and was giggling. I didn't get a picture, but here's a cute one of him in his Thomas the Train helmet that he likes to wear even when not strapped to the back of a bike.

"Did you like bike riding, Henry?" I asked.

"Yeah, I like it. That fun, Mama," he said.

Afterwards, with slightly frozen hands, we came back inside to get him ready for bed. Then, because it had been a long day and Henry'd taken a long nap, Jared and I sat on the couch (for what we said would be just a few minutes) and Henry dragged around his trains. We flipped through channels, not really knowing the stations yet because the TV, if on, is set to the Super Reader channel. We came upon Dancing with the Stars in the middle of a complicated dance, a woman with her head resting inches off the floor on a man's foot. We watched it for the three-ish minutes it took to finish and when the music stopped and the dancers hugged eachother, we realized Henry was clapping.

"Yaaaaaaay!" he cheered over and over.

"Did you like the dance?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I like it," he said, "So cool. I dance!" And he stood up and spun around a couple times.

I thought of both of these snippets of Henry when I heard on the radio today that children do something 400 times a day that adults only do 15. Any guesses? Scroll down for answer.

Laugh. Did you get it right? Apparently not, if you're an adult.
We all need a little more "weeee" and "yaaaay" and laughing in our lives.

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