Tuesday, September 18, 2012


After two years and one week, Henry stopped breastfeeding. Well, he was stopped. My aforementioned skin-eating bacterial infection prompted some heavy drugs. Apparently prednisone is not so good for toddlers. The doctor said it was necessary for me, but I wondered how that would go over with Henry.

Turns out it was more me. He'd been nursing before his nap so I waited to take the pills until after, but he didn't end up asking to nurse. So, we stopped without fanfare. And when I'd put him sleeping in his bed and came back to the living room, my eyes filled. It felt like the end of an era. Henry asked a couple times for milk in the next couple of days, but when I told him it was all gone, there wasn't much fuss.

Now, we read before bed and rock in his chair. We bought a new Thomas the Train book and visited the library for more. Henry loves the library. I use it as a carrot. When he's lollygagging on other errands I say, "C'mon Henry, we have to get to the library." and he perks right up. They have an awesome kids area downstairs with a puppet theater, little colored chairs, tons of stuffed animals, a bucket chair with a screen he can trap himself in, and, of course, lots of books. Plus, there's usually other kids there and Henry loves watching them.

His next favorite place is the bank drive-through. I took him with Darby through there once and the teller gave us a dog treat and a lollipop (or, in Henry's words, wallypop). He's never forgotten. Yesterday I told him I had to go to the bank and he grabbed his shoes and said, "Wallypop!" even though it had been at least a week since we'd gone.

Henry's made quite a home for himself. He's learned names and when he says them unprompted the recipient melts. He knows how to get to the cafeteria. He likes to help with things. He'll take his clean clothes to his room, put his shoes on (with help), throw things in the trash, pick up his cars and take his dishes to the kitchen. He says, "I'm big, Mama." He speaks in sentences and puts thoughts together. He imitates both of us and apparently I say, "Sure, we can do that." a lot because that's his new favorite answer. He turned two and automatically started asking, "Why?"
"It's quiet time, Henry."
"Because girls are sleeping."
"Because they are tired."
"Because they are busy all day long and need rest."

I think it's less about the act of breastfeeding and more about how big my baby is getting. He's a little man with preferences and personality and sayings of his own. He knows when he wants a snack and which books he wants to read and when he's all done with playing trucks. I need to step up my "Why?" answering.

1 comment:

  1. Kelli, wonderful, touching post. It's amazing to think how 'big' Henry has gotten, in his two years. Just think, if Bones and Booth had a boy, Henry could step in to play him as he grew up! :-)

    You and Jared are amazing parents! It's so nice he likes the library, but not too surprising. We can hardly wait to move, and be introduced as Henry's other grandparents, maybe by Henry himself! Love you, Dad
