Friday, May 23, 2014

Anniversary Tacos

Today is our second wedding anniversary. To celebrate, we are going to drive four hours (round trip) to get tacos. I'm serious. We found out there's a taco stand run by migrant workers in a teeny tiny town in Maine and that's where we're headed. And on the way back we'll probably see the new X-Man movie. A fantastic day. 

It's shocking what we've been able to cram into our five-year relationship. Before I met Jared, I made a list of things I'd want in a partner. I have no recollection of making this list, but I'm guessing it happened after a bad date. A few months into knowing Jared, I came across the list and laughed. It's not every day that you meet someone who checks off all the boxes. Love you, Jared! 

Taller than me!!!
Sense of humor (sarcasm)

Has at least a couple of great friends
Good relationship with family

Great smile
Passionate about work/school

Likes dogs
Plays an instrument

Has traveled or wants to travel

Makes me laugh and laughs at me

Probably not from San Diego
Speaks another language
Can dance

Honest on his own (don't have to pull shit out of him)
Likes movies and television
Likes camping (but not a fanatic)

Likes hockey
High tolerance for silliness

Knows how to cook at least two decent meals


  1. Impressive. I'm happy for you, Kelli. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Jackpot! :)
    And, BTW, I've had more than 2 amazing meals he's cooked!
    Happy anniversary!! xxoo
