Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Cat Scratch Fever

Setting: common lounge, Sunday night/the day everyone has returned from April break. Girl in story has been home since noon. It is now 9pm.

Girl: Ms. McCannell, I’m very worried. Last night my friend’s cat bit me. It just jumped on the bed while I was on my laptop and it scratched me. I think I have rabies.

Me: Did you wash the cut when it happened?

Girl: No, because it didn’t bleed. I didn’t think it was too bad, but now look.

She holds her hand up to me and I search for the cut. After ten seconds, she points it out to me. This picture looks like a fatal wound compared to what her hand looked like.

Me: Girl, I’m sure you are completely fine. To be safe, you should go see the nurse first thing tomorrow morning and she can look at it.

Girl: I think I need to go to the doctor. I need to get that shot.

Me: The nurse can make you an appointment.

Girl: How long will it take to get one? I could die before then.

Me: They have morning walk-in times every day. You will not die. I promise you.

Girl: I’m very worried. I don't want rabies.

Me: I can tell. Girl, I know you will be okay. We will get you taken care. Nurse. First thing. (I nod my head for emphasis) Are you feeling okay otherwise? Any other symptoms?

Girl: I’ve been sneezing a lot.

Me: I’m sure it’s unrelated.

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