Friday, November 9, 2012

Adventures in Babysitting

Remember that movie from 1987? While I'm not being chased by mobsters or have had to sing my way out of a blues club (yet), I feel like I could star in the remake.

Here're the adventures since my last blog...

  • three more trips to doctors' offices with girls and Henry... good times.
  • trying to convince a room full of foreign students that Halloween can be fun and then convince them I'm not insane when I show up as the Count to our Halloween dinner party.
  • chaperoning a dinner/movie trip only to find my bus won't start, maintenance is called, of course it starts just fine for him and we're heading home, their faces lit with iPhones and earbud chords like tiny, white braids from their heads, when a boy tells me he left his wallet in the theater.
  • emailing parents across the globe to ask them if it's okay for their teenage (15-18) daughter and her boyfriend to spend a week in a hotel in New York (or Boston or Portland etc.) over Thanksgiving break and them telling me, yep, of course, why not.
  • putting my years of hair dyeing experience to good practice because my Russian student trusts me more than her English and put her butt-length hair in my plastic-gloved hands to make her a brunette.
  • moving the tables and chairs and couches out of the big lounge to get 40 minutes of Just Dance in with a co-worker while the students are still in classes, only to have them come home and find us in the middle of a California Girls routine in old T-shirts and faded yoga pants with sweaty foreheads.
  • Henry running out the screen door (in his new Thomas underwear; naked; barefoot; in various stages of disarray) to follow a girl up to her room; into the lounge; down to the kitchen where they feed him sugary treats and Doritos and flavored water and I chase after him and say, "Henry, that's not yours" when I really mean "DON'T EAT MORE CRAPPY FOOD" and they say, "Oh, that's okay, Mrs. McCannell. I gave it to him."
  • performing a room search with the Dean of Discipline (not his actual title, but should be) and finding Prada shoes, an Armani Exchange belt, three bottles of Dior cologne, disposable boxers, a large wad of cash and thousands of dollars in eletronic equipment, but only two cigarettes.
  • a hurricane (which barely touched us, but still seems worth mentioning)
  • a girl (the only one without a roommate) saying she wants to move rooms because she's terrified to live alone even though we let her keep the light on and when I told my boss about it he said, yes, that's where the ghost lives, (which is incidentally right above our bedroom) and then the other woman who's worked at the school forever saying, yes, but they're all nice ghosts.
Whaddaya think - do I get my own sitcom?

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